

Kamelot is a Melodic Power Metal band from Tampa, Florida, United States of America, formed in 1991.

Current Members:
Thomas Youngblood - Guitar
Sean Tibbetts - Bass
Casey Grillo - Drums
Oliver Palotai - Keyboards
Tommy Karevik - Vocals
Former Members:
Mark Vanderbilt - Vocals
Glenn Barry - Bass
Richard Warner - Drums
David Pavlicko - Keyboards
Michael "Miro" Rodenberg - Keyboards
Günter Werno - Keyboards
Roy Sætre "Khan" Khantatat - Vocals
Elize Ryd - Female Vocals
Jake - Backing Vocals
Studio Albums:
Eternity - 1995 - [Buy]
Dominion - 1997 - [Buy]
Siége Perilous - 1998 - [Buy]
The Fourth Legacy - 1999 - [Buy]
Karma - 2001 - [Buy]
Epica - 2003 - [Buy]
The Black Halo - 2005 - [Buy]
Ghost Opera - 2007 - [Buy]
Poetry For the Poisoned - 2010 - [Buy]
Silverthorn - 2012 - [Buy]
Haven - 2015 - [Buy]
Other Albums/EPs/ECT:
1991 demo - 1991
The Expedition - 2000
One Cold Winters Night - 2006
Myths & Legends of Kamelot - 2007
YouTube Video:
Similar Artists:
Conception, Epica, Sonata Arctica, Avantasia, Rhapsody of Fire, Edguy, Blind Guardian
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