New Video || Kreator- Destroy What Destroys You


Today Metal Injection debuted the video above for the track Destroy What Destroys You from Kreator.  Besides being dedicated to all Chileans that were effected by the devastating earthquake that rocked that region of the world earlier this year, the new Kreator video was directed by Chilean video artist Carlos Toro and filmed during their show with Exodus in Santiago, Chile.  The crowd looks phenomenal and the track is brilliant.  I salute the good folks of Chile and Kreator alike for creating and taking part in a performance video actually worth watching (which is a lot coming from me).

Destroy What Destroys You is off Kreator’s album Hordes of Chaos out now on Steamhammer.

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About Josh Johns

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Chief Editor and Writer for Metal CallOut. Favorite sub genre of heavy metal includes Black, Death, Folk and Traditional. Josh can be found at Google+.

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