The New Morbid Angel Album Sucks


Anyone hear the abysmal piece of shit Morbid Angel album (words I never, in my wildest dreams, thought would come out of my mouth) Illud Divinum Insanus yet? If so, I’m sorry. It’s making waves, not in a good way, but for good reason. It's really bad. To use the word ‘disappointment’ to describe it would not only be a vast and unfortunate understatement, it would be offensive to truly dissappointing albums everywhere. This record’s stink will eclipse all of this year’s dishonorables, unmentionables, disappointments, and shit-stains combined.

I cannot even begin to describe my feelings for it so I’ll pass the mic to Hitler and let him do it for me: 

“I’ll give you a chance, you cock nugget!”

Many kudos and props to youtube user virgildonati2007 for making by and large the best and most poignant Downfall parody to date. It’s a shame it took a shockingly terrible Morbid Angel album to get it done though. RIP Morbid Angel, indeed. Thoughts, anyone?

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Chief Editor and Writer for Metal CallOut. Favorite sub genre of heavy metal includes Black, Death, Folk and Traditional. Josh can be found at Google+.

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