

Malamor is a Death Metal band from Kingstone, New York, United States of America, formed in 1993.

Current Members:
Drew Kerwin - Bass
Ben Kolts - Guitar, Vocals
Jason Kolts - Vocals
Gavin Parsons - Drums
Former Members:
Carl Carlew - Bass
Sean Kennedy - Guitar, Vocals
Shawn Mann - Drums
Dave Markle - Bass
Kevin Sharp - Drums
Dave Tetreault - Drums
Studio Albums:
Dead To The World - 2004 - [Buy]
Other Albums/EPs/ECT:
Condemn The Rising - 1995
4 Song Advance - 1998
Similar Artists:
Extreme Violence, Ingurgitate, Infantiphagia, Debodified, Exulcerate, Wasteform, Bane of Existence
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