Funeral Director By Day, Heavy Metal Drummer By Night… The Adam Romanowski Story


Here’s an excerpt from a feature The Villager ran about the NY heavy metal band Gwynbleidd’s drummer, Adam Romanowski, and his unusual day job:

Adam Romanowski is undeniably professional. He slips a tie under his collar every morning before going to work to handle transportation arrangements and insurance paperwork. Then at night, he heads home to hammer out his hobby.

But as hard as he tries to keep the two areas of his life separate, they will always seem to share a kind of serendipitous bond.

Romanowski is both the drummer for the progressive metal band Gwynbleidd and a funeral director at Greenwich Village Funeral Home, at 199 Bleecker St...

Read the full story here.

Gwynbleidd remains North America’s foremost Opeth clone and is currently working on a follow-up to their 2009 release, Nostalgia

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About Josh Johns

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Chief Editor and Writer for Metal CallOut. Favorite sub genre of heavy metal includes Black, Death, Folk and Traditional. Josh can be found at Google+.

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