Devil Lee Rot


Devil Lee Rot is a Blackened Heavy Metal band from Halmstad, Halland, Sweden, formed in 2001.

Current Members:
Thomas Karlsson - Vocals
Alastor - Guitar
Pirat666 - Guitar
Excrementor - Bass
Pulverizator - Drums
Former Members:
Harri Juvonen
Jimmy Nilsson
J. Voltage
D. Slaughter
B. Hellrazor
The Demon
Lenny Blade
Karl Vincent
M. Bombarder - Drums
Studio Albums:
A Little Devil Aint Enough - 2002 - [Buy]
Soldier from Hell - 2003 - [Buy]
Metal Dictator - 2004 - [Buy]
Metalizer - 2004 - [Buy]
The Devil Has Landed - 2005 - [Buy]
At Hells Deep - 2005 - [Buy]
Devil united with Hellbangers - 2006 - [Buy]
Other Albums/EPs/ECT:
Pagan from the Heat - 2001
Pagan From the Heat - 2002
Similar Artists:
Sabbat, Metalucifer, Baphomets Blood, Pagan Rites, Abigail, Denial of God, Desaster
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